Contributing to GovReady-Q

As an open source platform, you can contribute to GovReady-Q by submitting bug reports, suggestions, documentation improvements, and source code. The GovReady-Q source code and GovReady-Q Dcumentation source files are hosted on GitHub.

You can file issues with the application by clicking “New Issue” on the GovReady-Q issue tracker, or you can create your own forked repository by clicking “Fork” on the main GovReady-Q source code repository. You can make changes in your forked repository, and then submit a pull request back to the main repository.

For documentation, you can file issues on the GovReady-Q Documentation issue tracker, or you can create your own forked repository by clicking “Fork” on the GovReady-Q Documentation repository. You can make changes in your forked repository, and then submit a pull request back to the main repository.