Applying Custom Organization Branding

The look and feel of GovReady-Q can be customized a bit by overriding the Django templates that are used to construct the site’s pages and by serving additional static assets.

Custom branding can contain static assets (such as a logo image) and HTML template overrides. Branding is packaged into a directory with a particular directory layout and some Python boilerplate code that allows GovReady-Q to find the branding files. The directory is placed inside the main GovReady-Q directory, and an application setting is used to activate it.

Before setting out to create custom branding, make sure you have GovReady-Q set up for development on your workstation. You’ll need a working setup of GovReady-Q to create the branding directory and to test your changes.

Creating the branding directory

Custom branding is packaged inside what Django confusingly calls an application, but it is just a packaged sub-component of a website. To create a new branding package directory, change to the directory where you have GovReady-Q set up. Then run:

python3 startapp sample_branding

This command creates a new directory called sample_branding with Python boilerplate code to make it a valid Django “application.”

Make directories for storing the custom static assets and templates:

mkdir sample_branding/static
mkdir sample_branding/templates

Activate the branding package

Next, let your development installation of GovReady-Q know that you want to use the custom branding package. In your local/environment.json file, add a setting named branding and set it to the name of the custom branding package directory.

"branding": "sample_branding",

See Environment Settings for more information about the local/environment.json file. Note that for the file to be valid JSON the last setting cannot have a trailing comma.

Overriding templates

Any of the templates that make up GovReady-Q’s frontend can be overridden. The full list of templates can be browsed in GovReady-Q’s GitHub repository at

Start by trying to override the navbar.html template, which is inserted at the top of every page. Use your favorite text editor to create a file at sample_branding/templates/navbar.html. Copy the content of GovReady-Q’s stock navbar.html from into it. (GitHub’s “Raw” button is handy for getting a clean version to save or copy/paste.)

At the bottom of the file, add some custom HTML, such as:

  <b>Welcome to my organization&rsquo;s custom site!</b>

Start GovReady-Q on your workstation (see the development docs) and visit a page. You should see your new content below the navbar at the top of every page.

Adding custom CSS

You can also add a custom CSS stylesheet to your branded GovReady-Q by taking the following steps:

  1. Add the CSS file as a static asset.

  2. Insert a <link rel="stylesheet" href="..."> tag into the <head> section of each page’s HTML by overriding the head.html template.

To create the static asset, make a new file named sample_branding/static/custom.css. Let’s say you want to make the background color of each page red. The file should contain:

body {
    background: red !important;

Then override the head.html template. GovReady-Q’s base for head.html is empty — its purpose is only to allow you to add to the <head> element. So create a new file at sample_branding/templates/head.html and put in it:

{% load static %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static "custom.css" %}">

See the Django documentation for static files for more information about the static template tag.

Open any page in your locally running GovReady-Q and you should see that the background color of every page has changed.

Keeping your templates up to date

With each new released version of GovReady-Q, there is the possibility that the stock templates have changed. Some changes may require you to re-engineer your template overrides to preserve functionality.

Creating a custom Docker image

If your organization is deploying GovReady-Q using Docker, you will need to embed your custom branding package within a Docker image. You have two options:

  1. Modify GovReady-Q’s stock Dockerfile, i.e. the one in GovReady-Q’s source code, to add and activate your branding package and then build your own GovReady-Q Docker image from the GovReady-Q source files that you cloned from GitHub.

  2. Make your own Dockerfile that uses a released GovReady-Q image as its parent image and adds to it just the steps needed to add and activate your branding package.

Creating your own Dockerfile that uses a released GovReady-Q image as its parent image

We recommend method 2. To create your own Dockerfile that uses a released GovReady-Q image as its parent image, create a new Dockerfile in your branding package directory, e.g. a new file named Dockerfile in the sample_branding directory you created earlier.

Then choose which parent image you will use from the available GovReady-Q tags. Each tag corresponds to a release version. Your Dockerfile begins with a FROM line that combines govready/govready-q: with the tag name you choose. In this example we use the latest tag which is an alias for the most recent version of GovReady-Q:

FROM govready/govready-q:latest

The subsequent commands in your Dockerfile configures the container, picking up where the parent image’s Dockerfile leaves off. For more information about the parent image, refer to GovReady-Q’s Dockerfile on GitHub.

Your Dockerfile’s next step is to add your branding package into the image in a directory named branding:

RUN mkdir branding
COPY . branding

Finally, you’ll need some commands to adjust permissions, to activate the branding package when GovReady-Q starts, and to prepare the static assets to be served. The complete Dockerfile should look like this:

# Build an image on top of the stock GovReady-Q image.
FROM govready/govready-q:latest

# The parent Dockerfile ends with 'USER application' to run the
# container as a non-privileged user. But we need to go back to
# root to add additional files and then switch back to the non-
# root user at the end.
USER root

# Copy our public app files into place.
RUN mkdir branding
COPY . branding

# Activate the branding package. The environment variable is read
# by in the GovReady-Q parent image. And modifying
# /tmp/environment.json is necessary at this step so that collectstatic
# picks it up below.
RUN sed -i "s/}/,\"branding\": \"branding\" }/" /tmp/environment.json

# Flatten static files. The base image did it once, but we may have
# added new static files so we must do it again.
RUN python3.6 collectstatic --noinput

# Run the container's process zero as this user --- see above.
USER application

# Check that everything looks good.
RUN python3.6 check

Finally you can build and test your custom image.

Building your docker image

If you were in the GovReady-Q sources directory, move into your branding package directory:

cd sample_branding

Then fetch the parent image and build your image:

docker image pull govready/govready-q:latest
docker image build --tag myorg/govready-q-branded:latest .

(Substitute the right tag depending on the tag you chose for the FROM line in your Dockerfile.)

Test that your image works by launching a new container based on your image:

docker container run --rm -it -p myorg/govready-q-branded:latest

Once GovReady-Q is running in the container, visit it at http://localhost:8000. Use CTRL+C in the console to terminate and destroy the test container running your image.

For more about running GovReady-Q with Docker, see Deploying with Docker.