Environment Settings

Available Configuration Settings

The following environment variables are used to configure your GovReady-Q instance and can be configured through your local local/environment.json or passed in as environmental parameters when launching a container with GovReady-Q.

  • admins: used to configure a display point of contact “Administrator” on site and unrelated to the configuration of actual administrators configured in the database.

  • branding: used for custom branding

  • db: if supplied, this is the DB connection used. See DB configuration.

  • debug: should be false or absent in production environments. If set to true, turns on certain debug/development settings.

  • email: used to configure access to a mail server for sending and receiving email. Ojbect has the following format: {"host": "smtp.server.com", "port": "587", "user": "...", "pw": "....", "domain": "webserver.hostname.com"}. See Configuring email and Other Configuration Settings. },.

  • govready_cms_api_auth: used to store API key to interact with GovReady’s CMS agent and dashboard. Not relevant to most users. See [GovReady-CMS-API](https://github.com/GovReady/GovReady-CMS-API).

  • host: this is the domain name (HTTP Host header) used for root-level GovReady-Q pages. See also organization-parent-domain, which is used to construct organization subdomains (if using a different base domain).

  • https: set to true to generate HTTPS headers and urls when site is running behind a proxy terminating HTTPS connections. See Configuring a Reverse Proxy Webserver for Production Use.

  • mailgun_api_key: used to hold API key for using mailgun to send/receive emails.

  • memcached: if setting is true, enable a memcached cache using the default host/port

  • organization-parent-domain: this is the domain name (HTTP Host header) suffix used for organization-specific GovReady-Q pages.

  • organization-seen-anonymously: show list of all created organizations to an anonymous (e.g., not signed-in) user on home page if set to true.

  • secret-key - used to make instance more secure by contributing a salt value to generating various random strings and hashes. Do not share.

  • single-organization: used to enforce single organization mode with “main” as subdomain of default organization instead of multi-tenant with different subdomains for different organizations.

  • static: used to prepend a root path to the default /static/ URL path for accessing static assets.

  • syslog: used to set the host and port of a syslog-compatible log message sink. (Default: None.)

  • trust-user-authentication-headers: used to activate reverse proxy authentication. See Proxy Authentication Server.

Production Deployment Environment Settings

A production system deployment may need to set more options in local/environment.json. Here are recommended settings:

  "debug": false,
  "admins": [["Name", "email@domain.com"], ...],
  "host": "q.<yourdomain>.com",
  "https": true,
  "secret-key": "something random here",
  "static": "/root/public_html"

Enterprise Single-Sign On Environment Settings

GovReady-Q supports Enterprise Login via IAM (Identity and Access Management). In this configuration, GovReady-Q is deployed behind a reverse proxy that authenticates users and passes the authenticated user’s username and email address in HTTP headers.

To activate reverse proxy authentication, add the header names used by the proxy to your local/environment.json, e.g.:

    "trust-user-authentication-headers": {
      "username": "X-Authenticated-User-Username",
      "email": "X-Authenticated-User-Email"

GovReady-Q must be run at a private address that cannot be accessed except through the proxy server. The proxy server must be configured to proxy to GovReady-Q’s private address. See Enterprise Single-Sign On / Login for additional details.

Custom Branding Environment Settings

You may override the templates and stylesheets that are used for GovReady-Q’s branding by adding a new key named branding that is the name of an installed Django app Python module (i.e. created using manage.py startapp) that holds templates and static files. See Applying Custom Organization Branding.