Docker Local

These instruction are for running a basic version of GovReady-Q locally on your workstation.

This configuration assumes a simple network configuration where you will be viewing GovReady-Q from the same host that is hosting the docker instance.

1. Installing Docker

Make sure you first install Docker ( and, if appropriate, grant non-root users access to run Docker containers ( (or else use sudo when invoking Docker below).

2. Running GovReady-Q server container

We recommend you launch GovReady-Q container in the detached mode.

The following commands will launch GovReady-Q using the default SQLite database.

# Run the docker container in detached mode
docker container run -d --name govready-q -p 8000:8000 govready/govready-q

# Create GovReady-Q Django Superuser account and organization interactively on the command line
docker container exec -it govready-q first_run

# Alternatively create GovReady-Q Django Superuser account and organization interactively on the command line
# docker container exec -it govready-q first_run --non-interative

Visit your GovReady-Q site in your web browser at:

Your GovReady-Q site will not load immediately, as GovReady-Q initializes your database for the first time. Wait for the site to become available.

The default Govready-Q instance is configured to non-debug mode (Django DEBUG=false), which is the recommended setting for a public website. The instance can be set to debug mode at runtime.


The command docker container exec -it govready-q first_run creates the Superuser interactively allowing you to specify username and password.

The command docker container exec -it govready-q first_run --non-interactive creates the Superuser automatically for installs where you do not have access to interactive access to the command line. The auto-generated username and password will be generated once to to the standout log. When running the Docker containter in the detached (-d) mode, you can access the standout log with the command docker container logs govready-q.


The GovReady-Q default SQLite database created within a Docker container exists only for the duration of the container’s lifetime. The database will persist between docker container stop/docker container start commands, but when the container is removed from Docker (i.e. using docker container rm) the database will be destroyed.

3. Stopping, starting GovReady-Q server container

# Stop, start container (when needed)
docker container stop govready-q
docker container start govready-q

4. Destroying the GovReady-Q server container

# Destroy the container and all user data entered into local database
docker container rm -f govready-q

5. Viewing the GovReady-Q server logs in the container

# View logs - useful if site does not appear
docker container logs govready-q

Advanced configuration options

The GovReady-Q server container supports many advanced configuration options for production deployments.

See the next section Advanced container configuration for further details.