Deploying Q to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 / CentOS 7 / Amazon Linux 2

These instructions can be used to configure a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, CentOS 7, or Amazon Linux 2 system to run GovReady-Q. A Vagrantfile based on CentOS 7 and these instructions is also provided at the root of the GovReady-Q source code.

Preparing System Packages

GovReady-Q calls out to git to fetch apps from git repositories, but that requires git version 2 or later because of the use of the GIT_SSH_COMMAND environment variable. RHEL stock git is version 1. Switch it to version 2+ by using the IUS package:

# if necessary, enable EPEL and IUS repositories
rpm -i

# if necessary, remove any git currently installed
yum remove git

yum install git2u

Preparing Q Source Code

Create a UNIX user named govready-q:

# Create user.
useradd govready-q -c "govready-q"

# Change permissions so that Apache can read static files.
chmod a+rx /home/govready-q

Deploy GovReady-Q source code:

# Install required software.
# Note that python36-devel and mysql-devel are needed to compile & install
# the mysqlclient Python package. But mysql-devl has an installation conflict
# with IUS. Adding --disablerepo=ius fixes it.
# gcc is needed to build the uWSGI Python package.
sudo yum install --disablerepo=ius \
    unzip gcc python36-pip python36-devel \
    graphviz \
    pandoc xorg-x11-server-Xvfb wkhtmltopdf \
    postgresql mysql-devel

Upgrade pip because the RHEL package version is out of date (we need >=9.1 to properly process hashes in requirements.txt):

pip3 install --upgrade pip

Then switch to the govready-q user and install Q:

sudo su govready-q
git clone
cd govready-q
git checkout {choose the tag for the current released version}
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

# if you intend to use optional configurations, such as the MySQL adapter, you
# may need to run additional `pip3 install` commands, such as:
# pip3 install --user -r requirements_mysql.txt

Test Q with a Local Database

Run the final setup commands to initialize a local Sqlite3 database in local/db.sqlite to make sure everything is OK so far:

python3 migrate
python3 load_modules
python3 createsuperuser

And test that the site starts in debug mode at localhost:8000:

python3 runserver

Next steps (Production or Development configuration)

If you’re deploying GovReady-Q to a production environment, see the Production deployment steps.

If you’re deploying GovReady-Q for development or evaluation purposes, Development deployment steps may be useful for you.