Compliance App Authoring Tutorial

This is a step-by-step guide to creating compliance apps using the Docker version of the GovReady-Q Compliance Server.

In this guide you will learn how to:

  • Start and configure the Docker version of GovReady-Q

  • Create a compliance app

  • Edit a compliance app’s YAML files

  • Edit a compliance app using GovReady-Q’s authoring tools

  • Deploy the app to a production instance of GovReady-Q and storing apps in a source code version control repository

Step 1: Prepare your local environment

Create a folder on your workstation

GovReady-Q compliance apps are generally developed in an off-line development environment, usually on the app developer’s macOS or Linux workstation — any environment that can run Docker. In this environment, the compliance app data files will be stored in a local directory. This guide assumes the use of a local workstation for development and discusses production deployment at the end.

(Once the apps are ready to be published to the rest of the organization, the apps can be uploaded to a git repository, such as GitHub or an on-premise equivalent. The production instance of GovReady-Q will typically read compliance apps from the git repository directly and not from a local disk.)

On the development workstation, create a folder to hold GovReady’s install script, the GovReady-Q database (in development, Sqlite is used), and the compliance apps that you will be authoring. The folder can be anywhere:

mkdir /path/to/dev_directory
cd /path/to/dev_directory

Install Docker

If you haven’t already done so install Docker on the workstation and, if appropriate, grant non-root users access to run Docker containers (or else use sudo when invoking Docker below).

Step 2: Install the GovReady-Q Compliance Server, Docker version

Starting the Docker container

Next download GovReady’s script. This script simplifies passing various settings to create and configure the govready-q docker container that we will use for local development.

chmod +x supports a variety of advanced configuration settings via command line parameters. The ones we care about for developing compliance apps are:

  • --sqlitedb /path/to/govready-q-database.sqlite, which sets an absolute path to a Sqlite database that holds all persistent information across container runs

  • --appsdevdir /path/to/apps, which sets an absolute path to the directory in which app YAML files will be developed

  • --relaunch, which removes any existing govready-q Docker container if one is running

Download and start GovReady-Q:

./ --sqlitedb `pwd`/database.sqlite --appsdevdir `pwd`/apps --relaunch

Note that pwd is used to ensure the paths are absolute.

The script will download the govready/govready-q image from the Docker Hub, which could take a few minutes. It will then start a new Docker container named govready-q and will launch the Q source code within it.

When the container is launched it will let you know the URL to visit:

GovReady-Q has been started!
Container Name: govready-q
Container ID: d99e8ac2d6a761cfd7be7f94bd01d5f7115efd66714064f7b1f0f6c09b74c269
URL: http://localhost:8000

(You can change the hostname and port by adding e.g. --address

It takes about 15 seconds for the GovReady-Q server to be ready. Open the URL (e.g. http://localhost:8000) and reload a few times until the GovReady-Q Compliance Server becomes available:

First run of GovReady-Q

Setting up your organization and administrative user

Now that the GovReady-Q Compliance Server is running, create an administrative account and an organization. Run the following command and answer the prompts:

docker container exec -it govready-q first_run

Your prompt and reply will look something like this:

Installed 2 object(s) from 1 fixture(s)
Let's create your first Q user. This user will have superuser privileges in the Q administrative interface.
Username: admin
Email address:
Password (again):
Superuser created successfully.
Let's create your Q organization.
Organization Name: The Company, Inc.

Now return to your browser, reload the page, and notice the company name has updated:

First run of GovReady-Q with the organization configured

You can now sign in with the administrative username and password you created.

First run after logging in

Congratulations! You’ve installed GovReady-Q Compliance Server configured for local development of compliance apps!

Step 3: Creating a compliance app

Creating the app

In this section we’ll create our first compliance app. The app will appear in the compliance apps catalog in GovReady-Q. Click Add other app in your browser to go to the compliance apps catalog.

Compliance apps catalog

Let’s create our first compliance app! Use the command below:

docker container exec -it govready-q ./ compliance_app host myfirstapp

The output will be:

Created new app in AppSource host at /mnt/apps/myfirstapp

The path shown in the output is a path within the container’s filesystem, which is inaccessible from the workstation. The actual path is inside the path given to the --appsdevdir command line argument previously. If you followed our steps above exactly, you can see the app’s files in your apps folder:

$ ls -l apps/myfirstapp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  664 Oct 25 11:43 app.yaml
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 25 11:43 assets
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  449 Oct 25 11:43 example.yaml

Head back to your browser and reload the compliance apps catalog page.

Your new app may not appear because the catalog is cached. To clear the cache, restart the container:

docker container restart govready-q

After a few moments the container will be back up. Reload the compliance app catalog page. You should now see your app if you scroll to the end:

Compliance apps catalog with your first app

The development directory on the workstation now holds:

├── apps
│   └── myfirstapp
│       ├── app.yaml
│       ├── assets
│       │   └── app.png
│       └── example.yaml
├── database.sqlite

(More information about the structure of the app directory can be found in Understanding Compliance Apps.)

Editing app catalog metadata

Open apps/myfirstapp/app.yaml in a text editor. Edit the short description and add some text describing the app you are building:

  short: |
    Achieve compliance for our organization's systems.

Since this file was created by Docker, which is running as root, the file will be owned by root. You may need to use sudo to edit this file.

Reload the container to clear the app catalog cache:

docker container restart govready-q

And then reload the catalog page in your browser to see your description beneath myfirstapp. You can also edit the app’s title and other catalog metadata, including the app’s icon in apps/myfirstapp/assets/app.png.

Compliance apps catalog after metadata change

Step 4: Edit the compliance app’s YAML files

Start the app

In your browser, click on the myfirstapp entry’s Add button in the app catalog.

The new app

About editing the app

We can edit our new compliance app by editing its app.yaml and example.yaml files on disk in our favorite text editor (described in this section) or with GovReady-Q’s built-in authoring tools (described in the next section).

After each edit to the compliance apps files on disk, it may be necessary to restart the Docker container if you modified app catalog metadata (as you did above with docker container restart) or start a new instance of the compliance app from the compliance apps catalog page in your browser, if you modified the app’s questions and output templates.

GovReady-Q purposely does not automatically recognize changes to compliance apps on disk until a new instance of the app is selected or a reload command (described below) is issued. This ensures previously loaded versions of the compliance app correctly maintain data entered by end-users.

Editing the app’s main page

The opening screen of the app is determined by the questions section of the app.yaml file:

- id: q1
  title: Example Module
  type: module
  module-id: example

The new app has a single question labeled by the title Example Module, as you see in the YAML and in your browser. When the user clicks Example Module in the browser, they will start a new module defined by the YAML file referenced in the module-id data, in this case example.yaml.

Edit the title to:

title: Start Compliance

As described above, reloading the page in the browser will not show the change. This is by design. Since you are developing an app on your local filesystem, the GovReady-Q authoring tools are available.

Click Authoring Tool in the right column, and then click Reload App from local filesystem. (Alternatively, you could return to the compliance app catalog page and add the app again.)

Module authoring tools

Note how Start Compliance now appears in the browser.

Reloaded app

Editing the app’s first module

Click Start Compliance. This begins the app’s module defined in example.yaml. The example module contains a single sample question:

The new app's sample question

Open example.yaml and see that the question’s type, prompt, and choices are defined in the YAML file’s question’s section:

- id: q1
  title: What is your favorite science fiction franchise?
  prompt: What is your favorite science fiction franchise?
  type: choice
    - key: startrek
      text: Star Trek
    - key: starwars
      text: Star Wars
    - key: lordoftherings
      text: Lord of the Rings
    - key: other
      text: Other

Change the prompt or choices.

(As with app.yaml, since this file was created by Docker the file will be owned by root. You may need to use sudo to edit this file.)

As described above, reloading the page in the browser will not show the change. This is by design. Go back to the main app page, click Authoring Tool and then Reload App from local filesystem, and then go back to the Start Compliance page.

Your changes are now seen in your browser.

The revised question

More information about the file format of modules can be found in Modules, Questions, and Documents.

Step 5: Edit a compliance app using GovReady-Q’s authoring tools

About the authoring tools

It is also possible to edit a compliance app’s questions without leaving your browser. When editing the compliance app via GovReady-Q’s built-in authoring tools, you will immediately see the changes in the instance of the compliance app you are editing without having to reload it. The changes are also immediately written to the files on disk.

GovReady-Q’s built-in authoring tools will let you edit and add questions, but currently won’t let you change the name of the description of the app in catalog. You will still need to edit those details in the compliance app YAML files stored on disk, as described above.

Editing a question

A blue pencil icon will appear at the top right of module questions when the authoring tools are available. Click the pencil icon for the sample question. The question editor will pop up:

Question authoring tool

This is a much easier way of editing questions! Try editing this question. After clicking Save Changes, look in your text editor to see that the changes have been immediately saved to example.yaml.

Adding questions

It is also possible to add questions. In order to add a question, all of the existing questions must be answered. Answer the sample question, or click Skip.

You’ll see an Add Question button on the module review page:

Add question button

Try out the Add Question button now. It will create a new text question. Use the blue pencil icon to change the question’s prompt and choices.

You have now seen how to create and edit an app!

Step 6: Deploy the app to a production instance of GovReady-Q

Adding apps to a git repository

Your workstation’s instance of GovReady-Q has been configured to load apps from the local filesystem. Your organization’s production instance of GovReady-Q can be configured similarly, but more likely it will be configured to load apps from a remote git repository.

Create a new git repository in your source code control system and push your apps directory to the repository. The repository’s root directory should contain a directory named myfirstapp:

repository root
  └── myfirstapp
      ├── app.yaml
      ├── assets
      │   └── app.png
      └── example.yaml

If you have an existing source code control system containing apps in this layout, consider checking out the repository locally so that it is in the same path provided to the --appsdevdir argument to If your repository is in a different layout or if you are using multiple repositories to store compliance apps, see below.

Configuring a production system to load apps from the git repository

On the production GovReady-Q instance, log into the Django admin at https://production-q/admin. Add a new App Source.

Set its Slug to a short name for the repository, composed of letters, numbers, and underscores, such as mygitrepo.

If your git repository is public or accessible over an https: URL

If your git repository is accessible over an https: URL (such as a public GitHub repository), change the Source Type to Git Repository over HTTPS and paste the URL into the URL field. The other fields can be left blank. Here’s what that looks like:

App Source for a public git repository

If your git repository is private

If your git repository is private and accessible instead using an SSH URL (typically and an SSH public/private keypair, such as with GitHub or GitLab deploy keys, then first create a new SSH key for your GovReady-Q instance:

ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -b 2048 -N "" -C "_your-repo-name_-deployment-key" -f ./repo_deploy_key

Your GovReady-Q instance will hold the private key half of the newly generated keypair, and your source code control system will hold the public key. Back in the Django admin, set the Source Type to Git Repository over SSH. Paste the SSH URL into the URL field. Then open the newly generated file repo_deploy_key and paste its contents into the SSH Key field. The other fields can be left blank. Here’s what that looks like:

App Source for a private git repository

Copy the public key in the newly generated file into the deploy keys section of your source code repository. Here is what that looks like on GitHub:

Adding a deploy key to GitHub

Other information about App Sources

As with local development, the production system’s compliance app catalog may be cached. To see new apps, restart the production instance of GovReady-Q.

See App Sources for more information about how to configure your production instance of GovReady-Q to load apps from local filesystem directories, git repositories (including on-prem git repositories), or GitHub.

Advanced setups for development with a repository of apps

In this guide we have used the --appsdevdir command to specify a location in which app YAML files and assets are stored. In a small setup, all apps could be stored in a subdirectory of the location given to --appsdevdir. But you may want to separate apps into different folders, such as if they are divided between folders in a single git repository or across multiple git repositories, then a more advanced configuration of GovReady-Q is necessary.

Imagine the following directory structure where two GitHub repositories are cloned into two separate local directories within apps, and each has a compliance_apps directory holding its apps:

├── apps (`--appsdevdir` directory)
│   ├── repo1
│   │   └── compliance_apps
│   │       ├── myfirstapp
│   │       └── mysecondapp
│   └── repo2
│       └── compliance_apps
│           ├── mythirdapp
│           └── myfourthapp
├── database.sqlite

The default setup from GovReady-Q docker installation only show apps in the compliance app catalog if the app files are located in the immediate subdirectory of path configured to load apps. But we can also tell GovReady-Q to load apps from multiple locations. In this case we will configure GovReady-Q to load apps from two locations:


Recall that the path given to --appsdevdir is mapped to a path within the Docker container so that the container can see the YAML files on the (host) local filesystem. The container sees these directories as


Log into the Django admin at http://localhost:8000/admin. Add two new AppSource entries:

For the first, set the Slug to repo1 (or any other label that will help you distinguish the two repositories), the Source Type to Local Directory, and the Path to /mnt/apps/repo1/compliance_apps. For the second, set the Slug to repo2, the Source Type to Local Directory, and the Path to /mnt/apps/repo2/compliance_apps.

Then restart the container:

docker container restart govready-q

and the apps defined in all of the repositories should be visible in the compliance app catalog.