Deploying on Ubuntu


Ubuntu 16.04

Installing on Ubuntu

Instructions provide basic guidance on setting up GovReady-Q on an Ubuntu 16.04 server with Nginx. These commands should be run from the root directory of the GovReady-Q code repository.

GovReady-Q calls requires Python 3.6 or higher to run and several Linux packages to provide full functionality.

# upgrade apt-get
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y

# install dependencies
apt-get install -y \
  unzip \
  python3 python-virtualenvpython3-pip \
  python3-yaml \
  nginx uwsgi-plugin-python3supervisor \
  memcached \

# optional install gcc to build the uWSGI Python package.
sudo yum install gcc

# optional insall of postgress and/or mysql
apt-get install -y postgresql mysql-devel

Installing GovReady-Q

Clone GovReady-Q source code and install.

# clone GovReady-Q
git clone
cd govready-q

# install Python 3 packages
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

# install Bootstrap and other vendor resources locally

Run the final setup commands to initialize a local Sqlite3 database in local/db.sqlite to make sure everything is OK so far:

# run database migrations (sqlite lite database used by default)
python3 migrate

# load a few critical modules
python3 load_modules

# create superuser with initial account
python3 first_run

Start GovReady-Q

# run the server
python3 runserver

Visit your GovReady-Q site in your web browser at:

Additional Details

Deployment utilities

Sample apache.conf, superviser.ini, and files can be found in the source code directory deployment/ubuntu.

Creating a UNIX user named govready-q

You may find it useful to create a user specifically for GovReady-Q. Do this before installing GovReady-Q.

# create user
useradd govready-q -c "govready-q"

# change permissions so that Apache can read static files.
chmod a+rx /home/govready-q

# change to govready-q user
sudo su govready-q

Installing drivers for Postgres, MySQL

# if you intend to use optional configurations, such as the MySQL adapter, you
# may need to run additional `pip3 install` commands, such as:
# pip3 install --user -r requirements_mysql.txt


Configure GovReady-Q by creating a file in local/environment.json with the following content:

  "debug": false,
  "admins": [["Name", ""], ...],
  "host": "q.<yourdomain>.com",
  "organization-parent-domain": "<yourdomain>.com",
  "organization-seen-anonymously": false,
  "https": true,
  "secret-key": "something random here",
  "static": "/home/user/public_html"

You can use Django Secret Key Generator to make a secret-key value.

Prepare static files:

mkdir -p /home/user/public_html/static
python3 collectstatic --noinput

Set up supervisor to run the uwsgi daemon:

ln -sf `pwd`/deployment/ubuntu/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
service supervisor restart