Version 0.9.x

What’s New in 0.9.x

Release 0.9.x (coming Autumn 2019) is a minor release improving the user experience and performance.

  • Faster loading and launching of Assessments/questionnaires

  • Simplified install with no subdomains to worry about

  • Replaces subdomain multi-tenancy with simplified “Portfolios” model

  • Improved authoring screens

  • Helpful new start page

  • Adds and updates portfolio level permissions

Release 0.9.x removes multi-tenancy and serves all pages from the same domain. In the earlier multi-tenancy versions, requests to GovReady-Q came in on subdomains: the subdomain determined which organization to associate with the request, and individuals had to re-login across subdomains. Little value was being realized by actual users for the subdomain-based multi-tenancy. Removing subdomain-based multi-tenancy reduces technical debt simplifies deployment.

This release’s compliance apps catalog now reads from the database rather than constantly rescanning remote repositories and the file system. The app catalog cache is removed since the page loads much faster. Release 0.9.x begins to replace the “compliance app” terminology with the plain language “projects” and “assessment” terminology in end user pages.

This release also introduces a “Portfolios” feature to organize and manage related projects.

For a complete list of changes see the branch CHANGELOG.

Release 0.9.x progress can be found on the and 0.9.x.rc-xxx branches.


version 0.8.6 sign in page

version 0.9.x sign in page

version 0.8.6 projects page

version 0.9.x projects page

480px :alt: version 0.8.6 portfolio create page

480px :alt: version 0.9.x portfolio detail page

version 0.8.6 module page

version 0.9.x module page

version 0.8.6 question page

version 0.9.x question page


0.8.6 (Old Version) +

0.9.x (New Version) +

|086_sign_in| +

|090_sign_in| +

Projects List Page

0.8.6 (Old Version) +

0.9.x (New Version) +

|086_projects| +

|090_projects| +

Portfolios (New in 0.9.x)

0.8.6 (Old Version) +

0.9.x (New Version) +

Feature did not exist +

|090_portfolios_1| +

Feature did not exist +

|090_portfolios_2| +

Module View

0.8.6 (Old Version) +

0.9.x (New Version) +

|086_modules| +

|090_modules| +

Question Page

0.8.6 (Old Version) +

0.9.x (New Version) +

|086_question| +

|090_question| +

Release Date

The target release date for 0.9.x is Autumn 2019.

Upgrading to 0.9.x from 0.8.x

Backup your database before upgrading to 0.9.x. Release 0.9.x performs database changes that makes rolling back difficult.

See Migration Guide for GovReady-Q v0.8.6 to v0.9.x.

Upgrading to 0.9.x from 0.8.x

Backup your database before upgrading to 0.9.x. Release 0.9.x performs database changes that makes rolling back difficult.

See Migration Guide for GovReady-Q v0.8.6 to v0.9.x.

Adding and Managing “Compliance Apps” in 0.9.x

GovReady-Q wll load a small set of example questionnaires as part of the python first_run command during installation.

GovReady-Q must be configured by an administrator to load additional compliance apps (e.g., assessments and questionnaires) from one or more sources, which can be local directories or remote git repositories. Full administrative privileges are assigned to original user account created when executing python first_run during installation.

App Sources are configured in the Django admin at the URL /admin on your GovReady-Q domain under App Sources:

App Sources list

App Sources list

Each App Source points GovReady-Q to a directory or repository of compliance apps.

Example App Source

Example App Source

The first App Source field is the Slug. The Slug is a short name you assign to the App Source to distinguish it from other App Sources. The Slug is used to form URLs in GovReady-Q’s compliance apps catalog, so it may only contain letters, numbers, dashes, underscores, and other URL path-safe characters.

There are four types of App Sources: local directories, remote git repositories using HTTP which are typically public repositories, remote git repositories using SSH which typically use SSH deploy keys for access, and remote GitHub repositories using a GitHub username and password for access.

Local Directory

The Local Directory source type directs GovReady-Q to load compliance apps from a directory on the same machine GovReady-Q is running on. (When deploying with Docker, that’s on the container filesystem unless a path has been mounted to a volume or to the host machine.)

In the Path field, enter the path to a local directory containing compliance apps. This path is expected to contain a sub-directory for each compliance app contained in this source. For instance, if you have this directory layout:

└── home
    └── user
        └── compliance_apps
            ├── myfirstapp
            │   └── app.yaml
            └── mysecondapp
                └── app.yaml

then your Path would be /home/user/compliance_apps.

The path can be absolute or relative to the path in which GovReady-Q is installed.

Git Repository over HTTPS

The Git Repository over HTTPS source type is for git repositories, such as on GitHub or GitLab, that can be cloned using an HTTPS URL. These repositories are typically public, or in an enterprise environment public within your organization’s network.

Paste the HTTPS git clone URL — such as — into the URL field. Here’s what that looks like:

App Source for a public git repository

App Source for a public git repository

The other fields can be left blank.

The Path field optionally specifies a sub-directory within the repository in which the compliance apps are stored if they are not stored in the root of the repository. For instance if the repository has a directory layout similar to:

    └── apps
        ├── myfirstapp
        │   └── app.yaml
        └── mysecondapp
            └── app.yaml

then set the Path field to apps.

If the compliance apps are not in the repository’s default branch (i.e. something other than the typical master default branch), then set the Branch field to the name of the branch to read the compliance apps from.

You can use HTTPS to access private repositories by placing your username and password or personal access token into the URL, such as:

Since this requires user credentials, it should be avoided for production deployments in favor of using Git Repository over SSH (see below).

Git Repository over SSH

If your git repository is private and accessible using an SSH URL (which typically looks like and an SSH public/private keypair, such as with GitHub or GitLab deploy keys, then use the Git Repository over SSH source type.

Create a new SSH key for your GovReady-Q instance to be used as a deploy key:

ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -b 2048 -N "" -C "_your-repo-name_-deployment-key" -f ./repo_deploy_key

Your GovReady-Q instance will hold the private key half of the newly generated keypair, and your source code control system will hold the public key.

Back in the Django admin, set the Source Type to Git Repository over SSH. Paste the git clone SSH URL into the URL field. Then open the newly generated file repo_deploy_key and paste its contents into the SSH Key field. Here’s what that looks like:

App Source for a private git repository

App Source for a private git repository

The other fields can be left blank. Path and Branch can be set the same as with the Git Repository over HTTPS source type (see above).

Copy the public key in the newly generated file into the deploy keys section of your source code repository. Here is what that looks like on GitHub:

Adding a deploy key to GitHub

Adding a deploy key to GitHub

Make the key read only by leaving “Allow write access” field unchecked and click Add the key to save the key.

GitHub Repository using the GitHub API

This source type can be used to access private GitHub repositories using a GitHub username and password or a username and personal access token.

Set the Repository field to the organization name and repository name, separated by a slash, as in the repository’s URL following In Other Parameters, paste a small YAML-formatted document holding a GitHub username and password or username and personal access token, formatted as follows:

  user: 'myusername'
  pw: 'mypassword'

The other fields can be left blank. Branch can be set the same as with the Git Repository over HTTPS source type (see above).

Since this source type requires user credentials, it should be avoided for production deployments in favor of using Git Repository over SSH.

Compliance Apps

Compliance Apps are the actual assessments and questionnaires, the “data packs”, that drive GovReady-Q.

The AppSource admin now lists all of the apps provided by the source and has links to import new app versions into the database and to see the app versions already in the database by version number. When the App Source is defined, additional options appear on the database App Source admin page to selectively add individual projects and assessments from the App Source repository to the be published on GovReady-Q. Any time the individual admin page for an App Source is viewed, the App Source is rescanned and new versions of the apps are displayed to be selectively added to be available to users on GovReady-Q.

screenshot of App Sources list of apps

screenshot of App Sources list of apps

When starting a compliance app (i.e. creating a new project), we no longer have to import the app from the remote repository — instead, we create a new Project and set its root_task to point to a Module in an AppVersion already in the database.

App loading is refactored in a few places. The routines for getting app catalog information from the remote app data are removed since now we only need it for apps already stored in the database.

The AppSource admin’s approved app lists form is removed since adding apps into the database is now an administrative function and the database column for it is dropped.

AppVersion now has a boolean field for whether the instance should be included in the compliance apps catalog for users to start new projects with that app.